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Dear People of the planet,

Welcome to my new blog!

I know I know, this could get confusing as some of you will also be reading my personal blog at

have no fear, on these pages I will be focussing on presenting my company Something and Some, and all things marketing.

The pages are not complete, but I think they give an OK introduction to what I am about.

I do not believe in the "One size fits all" approach to marketing (even though many things can be relevant for many companies in the same industries).
On the other hand, I do not believe that you have to do recreate the wheel for every element of what every clients needs.

What I DO believe?

I believe that you should understand that you can try to make things simple, instead of overcomplicated.
First, get an overview of your current situation, first, then are you actually equipped to make any plans.
I think goals are very healthy to have, but you have to create a process that works for your company so that your goals can also be adapted depending on the circumstances.
If somebody throws a new pandemic at you, you will not reach your current goals, adapt!

Finally (well let's face it, I will never stop having opinions), I believe that it is allowed to be clear on what type of companies you want to work with.
I want to work with people, that see the value in people.
The value is in the relationships.

So let's start getting to know each other.

Reach out if you need anything, more to come on these pages!