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A big fat NO to no-on-demand from me.


Have you heard of the no-on-demand concept?
Some seminars, conferences, talks etc. have decided they will not be providing any form of recordings after their event.

To push for participation and stimulate interaction during and around their event, rather than having your usual bunch that wants the info later on when it fits them.

And that is a problem because?
For local events, that is actually fine.
But for digital ones.. and anything across time zones...

In a time when we are talking about the need to be inclusive, time is an important commodity. By removing the possibility of seeing things later, effectively we are forcing people to either not attend and exclude them from the relevant information you are offering, or attend at what might be a great inconvenience to them.
Do you want people to remember your brand as inconvenient?

Even with the best intentions, if I am strapped down in front of my screen in what would be the evening for me, and the fictive children start nagging for gluten-free waffles and decide to smear the jam all over the new couch... I will not be able to pay attention to a presentation no matter how interesting it is.
There are only a certain amount of days per week that you can get a free pass to focus on work-related things outside of work hours.
(spoiler, that number SHOULD be 0. You need that life next to work with your family)!

Even if I can see parts of the event live, having possibly missed out on an important keynote, and then not being able to catch up with it, the rest of the event becomes a waste of time.

What am I saying?
As an organizer you have to keep in mind what is most important to you;
-getting your information out there.
If you are a business looking to grow, don't limit yourself to a certain part of the world by being hard to get.
I love a strict niche, but unless you intentionally want people to stay away from your events, you should be doing everything you can to open up.

Personally, I would rather pay a small sum to get the information I want, than to NOT watch something for free.

Thanks for reading my rant, now go and have a great day!
(or night if you are in a different timezone 😉 )

#RagsRant #peoplefirst

This post was first posted on LinkedIn .