If you are going to start using HubSpot for any aspect of your business (and I really think you should!), keep in mind that you will not be able to just jump in and do everything you want from the get-go.
As with all software, obviously, you can jump in and try yourself, and you probably SHOULD play around a bit to learn.. But there are a couple of typical traps people tend to fall in. If you are not familiar with the software (at least one of the larger ones), you might get thrilled by the potential, play around a bit, press play, and realize that you messed up with something. Most issues can be fixed, but from the perspective of getting a buy-in from your team, and getting them to commit to using it properly, you might want to check your boxes before you involve everybody.
HubSpot Academy is a good resource for getting an overview of all things Inbound and HubSpot.
You should probably do some of the training in the HubSpot academy, it can be good for you, and a good way to ensure that your team is trying to develop their competencies in the various aspects of HubSpot.
However, personal experience says that they are not all..... great.
They are all based on best practices, but none of them will ever be customised enough for you to be able to learn exactly what you have to, quickly. Many of the courses are created focused on using the top tiers of Hubspot, and that is understandable, that is the premium way to work. But for anybody in a startup, the money to be able to invest in software will hopefully come later.
If you work in an agency, your company might not be following the exact same process as what is recommended in the training, which can be confusing. Also, new features might have been launched since the training was created.
Some of the trainings(the more complex ones) have concrete tasks you must do and get accepted before you can get them approved, and that is actually great! If you happen to have the correct tier of HubSpot software...
Others tend to be rather repetitive, and the questions in the Exam section are at times.. fluffy.
Having held some trainings myself, this is what I see works the best for my customers to get what they need, and not everything else.
So, do a training.
If you then want help to do things in the future, sure, we will help you out.
- For now let's prioritise getting you to understand the system, its limitations, and its possibilities.
Just this week I did a mini-introduction to HubSpot with a client.
Instead of using 20H of watching HubSpot Academy training, we spent 2H getting a general overview, including time for quick Q&A's, big picture thinking, and random tips and tricks..
What is saving 18H worth for you?
Note, that these are pieces of training specified in using Hubspot.
At Something and Some we also offer other trainings and workshops across marketing strategies to ensure you learn what you need, and then get to work as quickly as possible..